I think the feedback I've been receiving has been pretty good. The better ones are definitely from the 150-word assignments where people use the WWW or TAG method. Storytelling has never been my strong suit so the class has been helpful for me.
I hope the comments I've been leaving have been useful. I try to focus more on any questions that the reading has left me with. Things like questioning why people did what they did. I like the WWW feedback method the most. Mostly because it's really easy to remember,
The intro posts have been an alright way to get to know people. I think it's definitely less of a connection than being physically together for a couple hours every week. For an all online class though I think it works.
I think with feedback, a lot of people are scared of being harsh or mean, so they may not give feedback fully. I think I need to read more critically because I definitely also do this.
I chose this image because this is definitely the ideal. Lots of teachers try to say that it's ok to make mistakes in order to learn from them, but it almost never feels like that. The pressure to excel and never make mistakes so that your GPA isn't affected by trying new things out. I think a lot of fields (pre-health especially) the risk of bad grades deters many people from doing what they would really like to do and explore classes they may not take otherwise.
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